Monday, 9 November 2009

Evaluation of Children's Opening Sequence. 
We decided to spend at least two lessons on the titles at the beginning of our video. For this we decided to use stop-motion as previously blogged. This became very time consuming and took a few attempts to get the affect just right. Also, we encountered a problem half way through when we were given a different camera and therefore the colour settings were different which is obvious in our film. In the end however we felt that this on the whole went very well and subsequently became our favorite section of our film. Next we had to film the opening sequence, We were slightly behind schedule at this point and this shows in our content which is slightly rushed and the narrative is not entirely clear. If we were to do this again we would include the opening sequence with the titles so we could of filmed and included the titles both at the same time which would of saved a considerable amount of time and made the film more flowing. When creating the accompanying soundtrack we wanted to create a consistent repetitive melodic sound which we thought created the feel of a children's film, this was successful and we managed to do in a short space of time. On the whole we are relatively pleased with our opening, we focused most of our efforts on the stop-motion titles and the filming let us down in comparison. 
Peace x

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