Friday 16 October 2009

High School Musical

High School Musical is a Disney channel production, brought out in 2006. Initially humble happy music cuts in, setting the general feel good mood for the whole film and the opening scene. The first scene is at a holiday resort, with a children’s party initially. There is children screaming and balloons, something that a child will be able to associate with. Furthermore the first scene is set during the Christmas period, a time that children enjoy and is associated with happiness, again contributing with the happy mood set by the film. The actors are young so the audience, which will be, predominantly children will be able to associate them with the actors. The two main characters are introduced in the opening scene, giving a clue into the narrative. There is karaoke that shows what type of film it is going to be – a musical. The actors are nervous at first; the children will be able to key into this emotion and will have empathy. There is generally a feel good mood, with the song being in a major tone.

Peace x

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