Tuesday 6 October 2009

Lemony Snicket

We watched the opening clip of Lemony Snicket, and this is what we got from it. We are introduced to 5 characters. The first character we meet is Lemony Snicket, who is the narrator of the film, then we meet the three children, Violet, Clause and Sunny. We are told that the three characters all have special abilities that we pressume they will use later on. Violet has the abilitie to invent things, Clause can read anything and memorise it, and sunny's ability is to bite things. We then meet a banker, but we dont find out much about him. The atmosphere that is presented to us is one that unsettles us. At the beginning it shows the story of "The Little Elf", this plays for about a minute, it's cheerful. Then the lights cut out and the narrator speaks. It then prepares us for a sad stroy. The scene moves to a sad and dark beach. These to extreme contrasts gives us an unsettling atmosphere, its extremely depressing. The Themes that are presented to us are losing parents, as the three main characters lose there parents. The narrative in the film makes you think the film is going to be happy, and then it changes, and you change your mind. Throughout the opening scenes we learn the story of the characters.

Peace x

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