Friday 16 October 2009

The Incredibles

The opening of the Incredibles is set in the past, you are shown this at the beginning with a black shot with some old dots giving the effect of an old camera being used. It then cuts to a medium close of shot of mr incredible being interviewed., the camera effect in this shot is also made to look old, obviously this film is animated so it is merely and effect rather than a real camera shot. For the sounds it is kind of crackly in order to also give the effect that film is old. it then cuts to tracking shot of mr incredible’s car with all of the gadgets, this has some ld fashioned jazz music playing in the back ground this also is in order to give the illusion that this film was shot along time ago. this introduction to the film sets the scene as it shows us that we are dealing with super heroes that were in the prime quite a while ago.

Peace x

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