Friday 16 October 2009

Sky High

Sky High is a superhero film produced by Walt Disney Pictures, brought out in 2005. The first shot shows the Disney logo, a cult sign for children, showing the target audience, verifying that is a children’s film. Instantly epic music cuts in giving the child viewer a sense of awe. Furthermore a comic book style presentation is used which instantly gives a clue into the narrative and the theme – super heroes. Furthermore comics are something that children enjoy so it will appeal to them. There is a child narrator so children can associate them selves with him, and also makes them feel as if they could easily be in his shoes. To continue this, phrases that children will be familiar with such as ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ are used. Bright colours are used which will be appealing to children are used, drawing them in from the start. A prologue is given, introducing the main characters parents and the main character himself is introduced. Humour is also used, with references to fast food, a type of humour that suits children. The first scene is set in the first morning of high school, a feeling children will be familiar with, making the film almost more realistic to the child.

Peace x

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