Friday 16 October 2009


Shrek was produced by DreamWorks animation in 2001. It brings to life William Steig's 1990 fairy tale picture book Shrek! The opening credits are created using digital animation. The protagonist is instantly introduced, and the following scenes give the viewers an insight into shreks life. But more importantly it shows that shrek is an ogre, which also shows the fantistical nature of the film. Clues into the narrative are also given, as men attempt to kill shrek but he scares them away. Humour is used constantly throughout the first few minutes setting the mood for the rest of the film – light hearted and comical. For instance, ear wax is used to make a candle. This is simple immature humour that will appeal to most children. Furthermore the song contributes to the happy ‘feel good’ atmosphere that the film creates. The opening scene acts as a backdrop for the rest of the film, introducing the key charcter and setting. Shrek and the Swamp. It also acts as a prologue, showing that Shrek is wanted and essentially an outcast, a key idea throughout the film. Shrek is presented in a comdeic way, and is clearly shown as the protagonist.

Peace x

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