Friday 9 October 2009

In 1997 the children's film "Flubber", starring Robin Williams was released. The story goes as Professor Phillip Brainard, working with his robot sidekick weebo, try to create a substance that will be a new source of energy. He is engaged to the college (to where he is a professor) principle. He has missed two of their weddings and is going to have a third, untill he invents flubber, a material that can fly through the air.

The film starts off with the opening credits. A blue sky with whispy clouds appear, and letters form on the screen, and then they merge together to create a word, then they disband, and another set of letters form another word. This goes on for over a minute. The camera then pans down to reveal a boulevard. It carries on going until it is horizontal with the road. The boulevard has rows of tree's, houses and cars on either side of the road. We also see a paper boy biking down the road. This presents to us a nice and calm atmosphere. It then tracks to the left, and then pan's to the left, to reveal a house. The paper boy throw a paper onto the doorstep, and we get a close up of the head line, there is a picture of an old man with the words "Hoenicker Threatens To Close College". We then switch to a shot of an old motor, and the camera pans to the left to reveal plants and smoke bellowing for the background. We carry on to see a airplane motor, and other mechanical things. We then eventually get to some gas canisters, and a bin, and an alarm clock is heard, the camera looks up at a window. We then switch to a close up of a glass of water, and surrounding it, are stacks of books. We then pan to the right to reveal an image of a woman, and then we see an alarm clock ringing, and moving across the desk. We then see an arm move up, and then we switch back to the alarm clock as it falls of the desk, we go back to the arm, and someone shouts "and i'm up", the arm flies down and hits a button. We then move to a shot of the bins we saw earlier outside. Smoke bellows from beneath them, and we get a high shot, and a low shot of the bin flying towards the sky. We then cut to a shot of the bed, and we can hear a woman shouting, Williams sits up and says "up and ready for a new day". We then get a long shot of his bedroom. He sits on the side of his bed in stripy pyjamas, and puts on his glasses, his room is filled with books. The woman down stairs sings "oh what a beautiful morning", Williams sings in response, "oh what a beautiful day", He gets up a walks. From this scene, we have met the main character, and have been shown he is a cheerful person, and by all of the books we pressume he is an intellegent person. Due to the singing and the light comedy, the atmosphere is cheerful. The soundtrack at the very beginning is light, cheerful music, adding to this atmosphere.

Peace x

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